Joining FMV - Friends of the Maribyrnong Valley

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It is easy to become a member of Friends of the Maribyrnong Valley. You can either:

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Pay by Direct Deposit with Membership Form filled out and emailed to the Treasurer

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Simply turn up to an event and submit your details to the Treasurer

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Annual Memberships


$ 20 annually

Student or Pension Cards

$ 10 annually

Councils & Corporates

$ 200 annually

Once you have completed the form, you can either pay via direct deposit:

Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633-000
Account: 119720001
Name: Friends of the Maribyrnong Valley Inc.
Details: First Initial and Surname

Please send an email to with the above details in the message, the date of your payment and any changes to membership details or (for new members), scan or take a photo of the front of the membership form and email it to us

We are happy to receive your membership fee, but if you don’t include your details, it will make it very challenging for us at this end!

Please allow 10 days for your membership to be processed.

You are most welcome to attend Group Meetings, which are on the first Wednesday of bi-monthly (March, May, July, Sept & Nov) at 7:30pm at .

If you need any assistance, pop us a line at or call us on 0408 037 882